Our Oceanview church family is deeply committed to prayer. We find that one expression of prayer is “Prayerful Yoga”.
Prayerful Yoga is a centered time of meditation joined with the physical experience of motion and energy. It can be a great blessing on our journey of life and faith. There are many different ways to engage in yoga and we especially want to encourage folks new to yoga to feel comfortable in beginning this journey with us.
“Prayerful Yoga” is a ministry that is outward focused. For this reason we pray for the needs of our community and encourage active expressions of grace to others in our world. Our Prayerful Yoga mission statement is to create a sacred and prayerful space where students can release limiting self-beliefs, listen to their hearts and be true to themselves and their own yoga practice.
You can contact the Prayerful Yoga team at: yoga@oceanviewumc.com