Looking for a place to belong? Want to develop relationships you can feel good about? Perhaps Oceanview is for you. We are a United Methodist community of dis-similar people following a great God together. There’s so much we can learn from each other.
Do any of the relationships below sound like you? If so, and if you’d care to explore the idea further, call one of our pastors.
Baptized members are people who have been baptized by water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and who wish to be (or in the case of infants and children — are sponsored to be) members of a local congregation of the United Methodist Church.
Professing members are those who have professed (or reaffirmed) their faith in Christ and wish to become a member of Oceanview UMC themselves.
Affiliate members are professing members of another United Methodist Church who may be temporarily far from their home congregation and wish to connect with the life, ministry and watch-care of a congregation nearer to where they now are for a time. This would include, but not be limited to, so called “snowbirds” who have found a United Methodist congregation in both their summer and winter homes’ locations.
Associate members are non-United Methodists currently located at some distance from their home church. They have been baptized in another Christian denomination, wish to connect with a local United Methodist Church, but wish to retain their current denominational affiliation rather than become professing members of The United Methodist Church while in their current location. Most people are very attached to their tradition of origin. Associate membership identifies a way to unite with Oceanview and still retain membership in one’s life-long tradition.